Latest Episodes

Mayor Thomas Koch - May 19, 2020
Quincy Mayor Thomas Koch outlines his proposed budget for the 2021 fiscal year, and also discusses the planned reopening of the state economy during...

Nina Liang - May 19, 2020
Quincy City Council President Nina Liang explains the May 18th council meeting where Mayor Thomas Koch presented the FY 2021 budget proposal.

Tackey Chan - May 19, 2020
State Representative Tackey Chan of Quincy responds to the state's reopening plans during the coronavirus emergency.

Dave Murphy - May 15, 2020
Quincy Commissioner of Natural Resources Dave Murphy explains the plan to re-open basketball and tennis courts with restrictions.

Anthony Andronico - May 14, 2020
Quincy School Committee Vice Chairman Anthony Andronico explains the May 13th school committee meeting, including discussion about graduations and the search for a new...

Quincy Small Business Grant Program - May 14, 2020
Sean Glennon and Maureen Geary of the Quincy Planning Department explain the Quincy Small Business Grant Program designed to help businesses recover from the...